The UPSC has put forward the proposal for using Aptitude Test instead of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination so that the candidates could be measured in terms with the demanding nature of civil nature.
"UPSC is convinced of the need for important changes in the method of recruitment to the higher civil services that are the vehicle for public service delivery. One of the recommendations made by the commission to the government is that a Civil Service Aptitude Test replace the existing Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination," said the UPSC chairman Prof D P Agrawal.
According to UPSC, there would be two objective type papers for all the candidates. UPSC has put forward the proposal for aptitude tests so that the ability of the candidate for meeting the demands of civil service could be measured more efficiently. Te aptitude tests will also ensure that the decision making skills of the candidate on an ethical and moral level could also be measured.
"It has also been proposed that the structure of the Civil Services (Main) Examination may remain the same till a committee of experts that may be appointed by the commission, goes into various aspects," said Agrawal while inaugurating the UPSC lecture series on governance in New Delhi.
The UPSC chairman said, "Careers in public service have become more attractive in the context of a better emoluments regime, as also on account of the changes in the global economic scenario. This places a responsibility on the government system to tailor procedures and careers to suit the newer vistas."
UPSC has also plans for lowering the age of entry to the civil services.
"A reduction in the number of attempts allowed at the examination, as proposed by the Second Administrative Reform Commission (ARC), is however called for, so as to remove the premium on cramming and memorisation that a large number of attempts provides," Agrawal informed.
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