As IBPS SO-III exam is approaching, So here I am providing the detailed analysis and some tips which may help you to prepare well for the exam.This exam will gives the opportunity for the people who has specialization across the sectors like Information Technology(scale I and II), agriculture,Law,Marketing, charted accountant enter in to the fastest growing sector that is banking, thus one need a well balanced strategy to crack the exam.
To enter into this remunerative carrier one need to clear IBPS SO written test. After clearing IBPS SO written test one become eligible to apply for SO position in one of the 21 public sector banks. In this article I willl be providing you the detailed format of the examination
only for the Information Technology(scale I and II) and some do's and don'ts.
IBPS SO Exam format(I.T-scale I and II)
The first step in preparation for any examination is to know about format of exam.You can plan your preparation if you know format of exam.
Sectional cutoff = yes
Negative marking= Minus 0.25% per wrong answer.
A brief summary of Important topics:
Professional Knowledge:(I.T-scale I and II)
A) Data Base Management System (DBMS) – 15-20 Questions
2. Normalization
3. Overview of SQL queries
4. E- R Diagrams
5. Transaction Management
B). Data Communication & Networking – 10-15 Questions
1. Network Architecture
2. OSI Model
3. TCP-IP Model
4. Data Communication
5. IP Addressing (Subnetting)
C) Operating System – 4-5 Questions
1. Process
2. Thread
3. Types of OS
4. Semaphore
5. Scheduling
6. Dead Lock
7. Memory Partitioning
8. Page Replacement
D) Computer organization + Hardware (Microprocessor ) – 4-5 Questions
1. Bus Structure
E) Network Security – 2 – 3 Questions
1. Cyber Crimes
2. Risk Management
3. Firewall
4. Cryptography
F) Software Engineering – 2 – 3 Questions
1. Software Development life cycle (SDLC)
2. Software Development Models
G) Data Structures – 3 – 4 Questions
1. Array
2. Linked List
3. Stacks
H) Web Technologies – 1-2 Questions
1. HTML Tags
2. XML
3. Network Security
I) Programming Languages (BASIC) – 1-2 Questions
1. C, C++
2. OOP (Objected oriented Programming)
Will post some sample questions in upcoming threads....
Things one must keep into his mind while preparing for the exam:
Normally 50% is considered as sectional cut off marks in any section(to be on safer side ).So your first aim should be to clear the sectional cut off.Moreover, IBPS has also introduced concept of TWSS (Total Weight age standard score). They create a minimal TWSS score based on performance of candidates that year.You should score above TWSS to get an interview call.So your first aim is to clear sectional cut off and second is to score as much marks as possible.
Yeah question mujhe ata hai mai to solve karke rahunga.... like this shitty things
To enter into this remunerative carrier one need to clear IBPS SO written test. After clearing IBPS SO written test one become eligible to apply for SO position in one of the 21 public sector banks. In this article I willl be providing you the detailed format of the examination
only for the Information Technology(scale I and II) and some do's and don'ts.
IBPS SO Exam format(I.T-scale I and II)
The first step in preparation for any examination is to know about format of exam.You can plan your preparation if you know format of exam.
Section | No. of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Reasoning | 50 | 50 |
English Language | 50 | 25 |
Quantitative Aptitude (Maths + DI) | 50 | 50 |
Professional Knowledge | 50 | 75 |
Total Marks | 200 | 200 |
Time-limit (minutes) | 120 |
Sectional cutoff = yes
Negative marking= Minus 0.25% per wrong answer.
A brief summary of Important topics:
1.Professional Knowledge | See Below |
2.Reasoning | 1.High level reasoning (Syllogism + assumption/inference) 2.Sitting arrangement |
3.Quantitative aptitude | 1.Calculation Intensive 2.Data interpretation (DI) |
4.English | 1.Grammar rules + Sentence correction 2.Daily practice of comprehension + Sentence Correction +Arrangement. |
Professional Knowledge:(I.T-scale I and II)
A) Data Base Management System (DBMS) – 15-20 Questions
2. Normalization
3. Overview of SQL queries
4. E- R Diagrams
5. Transaction Management
B). Data Communication & Networking – 10-15 Questions
1. Network Architecture
2. OSI Model
3. TCP-IP Model
4. Data Communication
5. IP Addressing (Subnetting)
C) Operating System – 4-5 Questions
1. Process
2. Thread
3. Types of OS
4. Semaphore
5. Scheduling
6. Dead Lock
7. Memory Partitioning
8. Page Replacement
D) Computer organization + Hardware (Microprocessor ) – 4-5 Questions
1. Bus Structure
E) Network Security – 2 – 3 Questions
1. Cyber Crimes
2. Risk Management
3. Firewall
4. Cryptography
F) Software Engineering – 2 – 3 Questions
1. Software Development life cycle (SDLC)
2. Software Development Models
G) Data Structures – 3 – 4 Questions
1. Array
2. Linked List
3. Stacks
H) Web Technologies – 1-2 Questions
1. HTML Tags
2. XML
3. Network Security
I) Programming Languages (BASIC) – 1-2 Questions
1. C, C++
2. OOP (Objected oriented Programming)
Will post some sample questions in upcoming threads....
Things one must keep into his mind while preparing for the exam:
Time Management:
As one has to attempt 200 questions in 120 min (approx 0.6 min per question ). So proper distribution of time is important for each section.Since Professional Knowledge section has more weight-age in terms of marks ,one can maximize its results in lesser time by first attempting Professional Knowledge section which can be solved in less time with good preparation compared to other section.Sectional Cut off
Second and most important point is sectional cut off.Often candidates do forget this during IBPS SO written exam, which was the case with most of the students who appeared for IBPS PO-III exam so try not to repeat this mistake here. For example if one scored nearly 70% marks in all the sections but less than 10% in one or another section he is not qualified despite he is through with the overall cutoff .So clearing sectional cut off in all sections should be first and foremost thing one should keep in mind in IBPS SO written exam.Normally 50% is considered as sectional cut off marks in any section(to be on safer side ).So your first aim should be to clear the sectional cut off.Moreover, IBPS has also introduced concept of TWSS (Total Weight age standard score). They create a minimal TWSS score based on performance of candidates that year.You should score above TWSS to get an interview call.So your first aim is to clear sectional cut off and second is to score as much marks as possible.
Question Selection
Utmost care should be taken while selecting the questions. One should avoid time consuming questions in first attempt as happened with most of the students during IBPS PO-III exam as IBPS introduced lots of variety and surprises in between the questions . So its my advice to attempt easy questions first then complex ones. One must try his best not to show ego to the questionYeah question mujhe ata hai mai to solve karke rahunga.... like this shitty things
you are not able to solve that question my sincere suggestion is that
move on ,in your life you will get enough chances to show off your ego
thus save it for future ....
Negative Marking
IBPS SO written exam has negative marking.Negative marking means one fourth of marks in deducted for every wrong answer.For example out of 10 questions if you have 5 correct answers but 5 wrong answers then your total marks is (5 – 5* .25) = 3.75.This is really important.
it is very important not to guess answers.If you have answered decent
number of questions to clear sectional cut off then there is no need of
all these.Instead of guessing and marking answers try one or two
questions which you can solve and are in section you answered less.
I believe that accuracy do play important part in escalating one's sectional or total score.
Practice Practice and more Practice
is no shortcut available for any exam one has to emphasize upon only on
practice to beat such exams ,the more you practice more is the chance
to conquer upon one's mistakes . So its my suggestion that before going
to the examination hall its better if you join any test series(there are
plenty of them available on the net), and make a workable strategy how
to approach the exam.
For Previous Year CutOff: Click Me
For Model Questions Part1 : Click Me
Hi Animesh Gupta,
ReplyDeleteFirstly, thanks for posting the detailed strategy.
Can you please clarify for the below.
Are the papers for IT scale-I and IT Scale-II officers different? I havent seen any IT-Scale-II papers yet.. Do we have any of the model/previous IT Scale II officers papers? If so please share them.
Thanks in advance.
Hi buddy,
DeleteThere is hardly any difference bw the two except the professional knowledge part which is obviously on the higher side for scale 2. As it has been conducted online so no previous year paper available but soon will publish some model questions for the same. Hope it helps u :)
Thanks for the information :)
Delete@Animesh gupta : Thanks, Please post the IT officer scale -II papers
ReplyDeletethanx Animesh ....i am from electronics branch and i hav applied for IT OFFI SCAL-1,earlier i was very confused regarding what to study for professional knowledge........after reading ur post i got some idea upon dat...
ReplyDeletecan u please post what was the cutoff of scal-1 ,last yr....
Thank you very much Animesh.
ReplyDeleteThank you Animesh.